Store management、Membership management、Wechat sales、Purchase and sales、POS system、Automatic replenishment management
1、Being able to set up all the attendance schedules of employees, such as punching in and out with start time, late time, left early working overtime, etc and working with the punching clock, IC card, finger print punching clock, ID card, attendance recording machine.
2、Perfect basic info management of employees,including: department, series number of employees, name, card number, sex, identification number, ethnic, birthday, politician status, marriage status, education status, cell number, contact number, contact person in emergency, e-mail,home address, place of origin, position, type of wage, labor contract in detail, social insurance, family members, personal resume etc.
3、Being able to set up flexible shifts and arrange working turns depending on their difference such as three shifts turn or one following another.
4、Being able to set up holidays as needed based on the rules of the enterprise or laws where they located and capitulate the salary of working overtime rates.
5、Being able to arrange the new suitable schedule of working after taking a leave.
6、Being able to record the employee’s performance in the system such as bonus, small prize, big prize, warning, mistake, misconduct, etc.
7、Being able to input the employees attendance by hand in case the punching clock has problem.
8、The manager of human resource and wages is able to verify and correct the employees attendance by hand in case the machine error.
9、Being able to statistic the monthly salary and wages by pieces as a total amount if input the wage of each piece processing into the piece-rate pay system.
10、The wage items and the calculating formulas are able to be set and increased according to your business needs.
11、Being able to print the certificate of wages paid and makes the wage payment easily been managed.
12、Being able to set up the wage classes decided system, automatic calculating the prize of performance evaluation.
Cash / bank check account
Being able to record the journal accounting process of the cash and deposit in banks an check the balance or details at any time. It adheres verifying function and the in and out of them will be validated only after being approved.
Accounting subjects
The system already established current accounting subjects both of Taiwan and Mainland China, and the accounting codes also based on the local treasury’s rules. The accountant is able to apply them right away and if it is not enough the accountant would able to set up sub-item( sub-subject) by themselves, to the third sub subject is the most.
Daily entries
The accountant is able to set up the daily used accounting sub-subjects making the module of daily entries and copy them to recording vouchers latter. It reduce the risk of error and make accounting effective.
Recording vouchers
When first transaction occurs the clerk need record it by voucher(transferring note called by Taiwan) and input the data into accounting system as original recording vouchers. But the recording vouchers need to be verify by authorized person then input them into the accounting system.
Clerking operation
After the recording vouchers need being verified by authorized person then the clerk input them into the accounting system. Once the data being inputted it is unable to be deleted or changed.
List of properties
The client is able to input all the data of fixed assets into property list and record their remain value, average time of depreciation, date of purchase etc, basic data and the system balance the total amount of the fixed assets for manager’s reference.
Automatic depreciation
The system is able to automatic depreciate the fixed assets based on the data of properties listed and proceed the depreciation vouchers and transfer to proper account after authorized monthly and saved the labor work.
Profit balance
After a accounting period the system will automatically count the revenue, cost and transfer the balance to the profit of the year and the share dividends accounts.
Auto balancing
After account balanced the system will automatically shift to the next accounting period and all the records of accounting vouchers are not able to change or delete. The settled vouchers is not able to input once more.
Finance reports
Mr. Boss issues the following financial reports for decision makers: daily report of vouchers, daily accounting records, daily report, cash balance book, estimating report, subject in detail report, ledger report, quantity&amount in detail report, quantity&amount ledger report, profit or loss report, two terms profit or loss report, multi-months profit or loss report, balance sheet, two terms balance sheet, multi-months balance sheet, revenue analyzing report, cost analyzing report, property lists, etc, financial reports which all have been design according to local treasury’s rules and are able to report direct to the tax department of local government.
Garments& shoes business handbook:
Mr. Boss iERP Garments& shoes business fashion version is a new development specially based on the garments& shoes business. This version not only have all the remote managing function of Mr. Boss iERP system, it also meet all the request in Garments& shoes business such as the size, the pair of the size, color, etc, special needs.
Garments& shoes business fashion version has the basic function of managing order on the way, VIP club member integrating by club card and the invoice support the general discount, once time discount, accumulating discount, etc, discount managing model.